Map of Europe presenting Wagons-EUROP, Sleeping Cars and Wagons-O.P.W~

Map of Europe presenting Wagons-EUROP, Sleeping Cars and Wagons-O.P.W pools
Map of Europe presenting Wagons-EUROP, Sleeping Cars and Wagons-O.P.W pools

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  • Ref.: 8235
  • Title: Map of Europe presenting Wagons-EUROP, Sleeping Cars and Wagons-O.P.W pools
  • Caption: Several pools for the international management of rolling stock were managed by or in close coordination with UIC such as the Wagons-EUROP and Sleeping Cars pools. Wagons-O.P.W means "Obschtij Park Wagonow" (Russia) i.e. "Common Wagon Pool".

    Wagons-EUROP Pool was established in 1951. It is a European operations pool initially bringing together the railways of France and Germany, and subsequently expanding to include a dozen or so networks.
  • Copyright: UIC
  • Photo orientation: Vertical
  • Creation Date: 01/01/1000
  • Collection: UIC - grand public