CineRail posters

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  • 8396
    Affiche du 22ème festival CinéRail, 27-29 novembre 2017, Cinéma Sao Jorge, Lisbonne
    Affiche du 22ème festival CinéRail, 27-29 novembre 2017, Cinéma Sao Jorge, Lisbonne 8396
    Affiche du 22ème festival CinéRail, 27-29 novembre 2017, Cinéma Sao Jorge, Lisbonne
    Affiche du 22ème festival CinéRail, 27-29 novembre 2017, Cinéma Sao Jorge, Lisbonne
    CineRail is the International Festival Trains on Film, it presents a selection of films from all over the world in which trains, metros, stations, tracks, railway workers and passengers play a decisive role. A competition for short films takes place, and an international jury of artists and professionals awards prizes for the best works.
    22/09/2017, Pascal Mendive Aucune restriction : tout support, tout pays, illimité (sauf publicité)

    Pascal Mendive